Customs Brokerage

Our experienced customs specialists offer a variety of brokerage services to meet the changing needs of importers and exporters

Shipping goods and clearing customs can seem like complex processes. We offer our resources to help your business to be successful and keep you updated on the important things you need to know. We offer advice and information on a range of Import/Export and distributions issues that maybe affecting you.

All imported goods have to be customs classified.

Curlett Cannon & Galbell ensure that you pay the lowest legal amount of Customs duty and GST upon importation. There many different classifications, with only one being the most appropriate and correct. The classification determines the duty rate applicable to the value of the goods to compute the amount of duty due. Classification also influences other matters such as whether there will be anti-dumping duty payable, whether the goods require an import licence, if they qualify for a reduced or free rate of duty under concession. Correct classification is the most important part of customs classification and the area where most errors frequently occur.

Curlett Cannon & Galbell provide an efficient and trouble free customs clearance service for all types of products, whether by airfreight, or sea freight. We have over thirty five years experience in customs clearance we process customer’s sea and airfreight import documentation, data input, third party clearances / communication with third party freight forwarders and brokers.

We can also assist in the preparation of applications for Enhanced Project By Law Scheme (EPBL/EPBS) that are available (to certain industries) for imported items with a project value in excess of A$10 million. We can also make application for tariff advices to determine tariff item and concession eligibility, which we recommend prior to importation on major capital equipment.

Our licensed customer brokers are highly skilled in the interpretation of legal requirements that can reduce or remove duties and taxes on imported goods. With a full knowledge of the Australian system, which has one of the most sophisticated and complex tariff systems in operation, our brokers are also familiar with systems in other nations with whom we trade. Our experienced brokers are available to assist with your classification tariff concession and GST issues.

What we do to minimise client costs:

  • Determine most appropriate classification for the product that provides the lowest legal amount of Customs duty
  • Provide tariff and shipping advice in a prompt manner
  • Arrange customs / quarantine requirements
  • Prepare and lodge drawbacks, refunds as required
  • Entry preparation and job processing
  • Prepare and lodge tariff concession applications & EPBL’s

Formal Customs Brokerage Request

To setup a formal arrangement for Curlett Cannon and Galbell to handle all future customs brokerage